a dance installation
© photography Caroline Grijsen
brittle stillness
invades the visible invisible
an unpredictable discovery by a
translucent body transforming
encountering contradictory boundaries
sensual trustfulness versus
imprisoned support
metamorphic identities on a
playground of safety
dislocated articulations
falling moments
exposing intangible ambuiguity
frail ugliness
agile emptiness
concept, installation, choreography, dance/ Eva Baumann
assistance The Hague/ Cristina Planas Leitao
photography/ Caroline Grijsen
performances 2008-2016
Korzo Theater, The Hague, Netherlands
Dansateliers Rotterdam, Netherlands
Rosas /P.A.R.T.S. Brussels, Belgium
Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg Gallery DEK Rotterdam
Städtische Galerie Pforzheim
Kunstbezirk Stuttgart
Swan Day Festival Berlin
kunstort ELEVEN artspace Börstingen
guest book (in German) here
fragile was made possible through a scholarship by the Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg as well as during artist residencies at Dansateliers Rotterdam and Rosas/P.A.R.T.S. Brussels. In collaboration with Korzo Theater Den Hague.