a solo on a solo
© photography Sofia Pintzou
Probably no other genre deals with the individual so directly, enables the direct identification with the performer onstage like the solo.
This undivided attention is directed not only to the performer and interpreter, but also to the author, whom the solo performer always embodies at the same time.
A "solo" requires the highest level of commitment:
Alone and only in dialogue with the audience the performer is forced to show one`s colours.
Only when he reaches his physical and emotional limits is he able to touch and captivate the audience.
Anyway, the human body on stage is the most fascinating medium in its vulnerability and immediate sensuality.
(Author unknown)
In her wirk Eva Baumann acts both as choreographer and dancer. In this double role, is she a choreographing dancer or a dancing choreographer? The idea for the piece was developed based on this question. What is unique about a solo work and how making the audience understanding something about the complexity of a choreography. solitaire is dedicated to the process of creating a solo choreography and presents it in the manner of a "making of". From fragmented parts of a choreography, a whole develops bit by bit. Projected video recordings document this process and reflect the choreographer's train of thought.
concept, choreography, dance, video, stage/ Eva Baumann
music/ Evelien van den Broek
light design/ Doris Schopf
september 14th, 2012
Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance Stuttgart
resumption and guest performances 2013
2nd FKX media festival Fellbach (excerpt)
Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance Stuttgart
Theaterhaus Stuttgart (Tanz- und Theaterpreis 2013)
TTW Ludwigsburg (Best of(f) tour)
Theater im Karlstorbahnhof Heidelberg (Best of(f) tour)
Roxy Ulm (Best of(f) tour)
Sudhaus Tübingen (Best of(f) tour)
Kulturhaus Osterfeld Pforzheim (Best of(f) tour)
Uferstudios Berlin
press reviews (in German)
Stuttgarter Zeitung (various) here
Schwäbisches Tagblatt here
Pforzheimer Zeitung here
Mannheimer Morgen here
guest book (in German) here
solitaire is a production by Eva Baumann. Funded by LaFT Baden-Württemberg, the foundation of LBBW and the City Arts Council of Stuttgart. With friendly support by Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance Stuttgart and Ada Studio/Uferstudios Berlin.