listening _ lab

a research project, workshops and exchange program

© Eva Baumann

Unlike the act of speaking, the act of listening is an act of freedom:
It presupposes autonomy. Listening in this profound sense is a gift.
(Bernhard Pörksen)

The listening_lab is a transdisciplinary, open and performative research and laboratory dedicated to the question of how the practice of listening can embody, enhance, influence and propose artistic practices in a time of increasing polarisation, environmental and climate catastrophes, political fatigue or revolt.

How does listening change us?
In which ways does what we listen to change us and our bodies?
Do we listen in order to be moved, affected, touched?

In addition to my own research and participation in a three-month intensive course in Deep Listening at The Center for Deep Listening / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, I will engage in an exchange about ‘listening’ with a small group of like-minded people in the course of 2025.

See here the current Open Call (application deadline 30 April 2025)
It is aimed at professional artists who, in addition to their own artistic practice, work at the interfaces of cultural education, inclusion, social work or in a therapeutic environment.

In the week of the autumn holidays, a workshop will take place that is open to everyone.
Make a note of this date!
October 27th till 31st, 2025. A week full of workshops and exchange.
Information will follow in summer 2025
Location: Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance Stuttgart

Made possible by a research grant by the Arts Council of the city of Stuttgart. The training at The Center for Deep Listening is kindly supported by LaFT Baden-Württemberg.
In collaboration with Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance Stuttgart.