(un)sichtbarst #1
a research project about the female presence in public space
© Eva Baumann
(un)sichtbarst (German for in/visible) is an ongoing research around the notion of the visibility and invisibility of women in various social and art related contexts.
(un)sichtbarst #1 is a study that takes the female body image and its presence in public space and the media as a starting point for a choreographic-visual questioning.
Through the power of the images, each individual does not determine his or her own identity, but (unconsciously) accepts appointments in fashion and codes. Like avatars, we dress in casings, resemble accepted images, which we only question their basic intention when they restrict our freedom or when we consciously break out of them.
Wanting to be someone in society allows us to assume the same roles again and again.
In fact, we remain invisible behind the pictures.
The investigations represent a collection of material: Reflections, superimpositions, and collages create absurd distortions.
The result was a video installation that took approx. 11 minutes shown in a loop during the exhibition “Unsichtbare Orte” plus 12 printed video stills.
In the live performance - a solo performance by Eva Baumann - two crinolines were put into focus and served as sculpting objects. In a choreographic experimental arrangement they thematize veiling on the one hand and visualization on the other.
Idea and Concept/ Eva Baumann, Katrin Wittig
Choreography, direction, camera and editing/Eva Baumann
Space, light, projections on the performers, camera/ KatrinWittig
Performers photographs/ Eva Baumann, Harumi Terayama, Mimi Jeong, Kira Senkpiel
Solo performance Pathos Theater Munich/ Eva Baumann
april 2018
exhibition "Unsichtbare Orte" by Kordula Lobeck de Fabris
video, printed video stills + solo performance by Eva Baumann
Pathos Theater Munich / in cooperation with the Magdalena Project Munich
Information about the exhibition here